Sunday 27 March 2011


People have always had superstitions along history. Since ancient times, all societies have looked for several signals to answer their life experience. The influence of religion or creed, the witch doctors or witchcraft, or just the need to believe in something make people have superstitions.

Superstitions can be defined as irrantional beliefs, especially with regard to the unknown, all things that are not based on reason or knowledge. Some superstitions can be called “old wives’ tales”, because someone thinks they are silly things. Normally they are applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecies and spiritual beings.

Superstitions can be similar in different countries, but sometimes the same object can have a different meaning. For example, in Britain meeting a black cat means good luck, while in Spain this means bad luck.

Superstitions can be related to folklore rituals as Black Magic or Wodoo. In other times it was related to astrology, foods or animals. Nowadays, at the age of science there are still people who believe that superstitions can influence our lives. What do you think?

By Natxo


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