Sunday 27 March 2011


There are many definitions of the word ‘job’ but, to sum up, we can define ‘job’ as a combination of the manual and the intellectual skills.
Throughout history the concept of job has been changing up to nowadays. In ancient times the job was to meet people’s need. There were agricultural workers and farmers. Then, came the jobs related to craftwork such as pottery, blacksmith, etc. Later with the Industrial Revolution, people started to work in industries.
Today with the remarkable development of technologies, mobiles phones and mass media, new jobs related to the new technological revolution such as computer programmers, technical engineers and executives have emerged.
Nowadays, culture of the consumer society push up to improve the quality of live, working not only to survive but also to pay the mortgage, to repay the loan of the car, to travel, to go out, to go shopping… but the biggest problem in the XXI century is the unemployment that affects young and old people, men and women, and this situation is the same in every area of knowledge: employees, technicians, professionals (teachers, doctors,…), executives, etc.
These days about the 20% of the population in Spain is unemployed because of the economic crisis. Spain has also the highest unemployment rate of the university graduates. Young people begin to work later and the job conditions are unstable.
The fact that young people continue with the university studies delays their incorporation in the labor market. A large number of graduated people work on temporary contracts.
From my point of view, there is too much competition and we sometimes focus our efforts in getting a best curriculum, forgetting the family and the social life.
I think we should enjoy life more!

By Paqui